Saturday, 17 November 2012

child abuse and sexual predators

Hi everyone. I have a decision to make whether I am going to australia or not to see my grandfather and be with him whilst he is coping with treatments, due to having cancer. I want to go but I need to be sure that I am strong enough to handle what I may come upon. It will not be easy to watch him in a distressed state during chemo. Even still he is my grandfather so I would like to see him whilst i have the chance to still do so. My mother is over there at the moment with her siblings, and my grandma is present. Dad will likely have to stay in NZ as he needs to pay the bills etc and run a business.  Waiting to hear what my other cousins have decided to do whether they are going or not.
In the meantime getting sorted with the pasport and things so that I can go when I am ready.

Another distressing report of child abuse. Also a sexual predator being on the run, what is wrong with the world. He was on home detention, who lets a sexual predator on home detention when they are such a risk to the public. These cops and officers, judges really need their heads examined to even put such a dangerous person in a place where they can escape. Why wasnt he kept behind bars.

 What is wrong with people. I heard of a case of a baby being run over on a driveway. Why are children aloud to play on the driveway in the begining its a dangerous place, and should be treated like the road. How can parents ever get over running over their child. Its so awful.

What can we do to stop child abuse in this country? We need to look out for our neighbours and look for ones who need help and help them. Children become parents too easily these days and then lose it because they do not know how to cope with a little one. Why arent there more parenting classes? education for these ones.

I dont know I just know something needs to be done.

Any ideas.???????

Seeya Tash

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